

The Rocky Mountain Seniors Ski Club seeks to foster and promote fellowship among members by hosting events that contribute to our social well being. Our social activities bring members together to socialize and have fun throughout the year.

Our Club hosts the following social events open to all members:

New Members Event in February to welcome our new members and acquaint them with the Club activities, including; skiing, biking, cycling, golf and social events. 

Spring Dinner in May marks the start of a new season. The dinner is an opportunity for the Club President to update our members on activities and to celebrate the many volunteer hours our members contribute to support the Club. Sports retailers may be invited to attend and display new equipment, answer questions, etc. 

Summer BBQ held in July, mid-way through our cycling and golf seasons, affords Club members a casual gathering. It is an opportunity for the Club President to introduce the new Executive, say farewell to those who have completed their terms, 

Fall Dinner in November brings us together again. The Club President provides wrap up comments on the summer activities as we look forward to planning our winter activities. Sports retailers may be invited to attend and display new equipment, answer questions, etc. 

Welcome to Winter Day in early December at Snow Valley where some of us ski and all of us socialize. It’s an exciting time of year as we get together over coffee and cookies to welcome the falling snow and plan the upcoming ski season.

The Club also hosts sports-related social events. These are:

Cross-Country Ski Wrap-Up in March brings our Nordic skiers together to celebrate the season before the snow melts away.

Cycling Wrap-up is held at the end of our cycling season in early October, before hanging up our bikes for the year.

Golf Tournament and Dinner offers Club golfers a fun 18-hole game and social time in September, as the golf season winds down.

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